Non Fiction

Four of my non-ficton and miscellaneous works are currently available from Amazon.

The Lion, the Sun and the Eternal Blue Sky (2013)


The Mongols have had a bad press. In particular, their assault on Baghdad has been described as the greatest disaster to befall a nation or a people. The rule of the Persian Il-khans has been portrayed as a period of economic stagnation and artistic desolation.Whilst not setting out to excuse their excesses, this book attempts to present the Mongols in a fairer light. It revisits the Mongol Persian story and along the way introduces some of the intriguing queens and empresses who supported the khans and – often enough – controlled them and their empire.

Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve.’ Herodotus, quoting King Darius of Persia)

Buy the e-book at


It’s a Fantasy World! (2016)


A celebration of the bicentenary of the creation of Frankenstein in 1816 –

‘Even now, as we stare out into that fourteen billion year void, we look beyond the horizon of the possible and achievable into fantasies of our own.
‘Are we alone in the universe, a single intelligence among the quadrillions or quintillions of other star systems out there? And if not, will we ever find a way of communicating with the others, and of reaching them? Are wormholes real? Is time reversible?
‘These are some of the fantasies of today – the realms of the impossible – just as, for our ancestors, flying, X-rays, solar heating and television would have been magic in their age. And we wonder, as they wondered. We dream, as they dreamed.
‘And these dreams we translate into stories, on the pages of a book, an electronic reader or a movie screen. Our fantasies are all around. Perhaps one day . . .’

Check out the book at

Since December 2017, It’s a Fantasy World is also available as a paperback 


Classic Reviews (Published 2016/2018)


This is a selection of my book reviews, originally published as blogs on WordPress.

Check out the book at

Also available as a paperback.

*In My Own Write

My latest book, published in June 2020, is a miscellany of short stories, articles and poems to amuse or entertain the reader over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

own write

In My Own Right is available as both e-book and paperback.

Check out the book at
